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New Report From CDC Americans Misusing Cleaning Products To Protect Against COVID-19

Written by on June 9, 2020

Since COVID-19 a new report from the CDC found that Americans were cleaning and disinfecting their home more to avoid getting sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also found people are not handling cleaning products in a safe way.

According to the report 39% of Americans wash food with bleach. The same percentage had mist their body with a cleaner or disinfectant spray. Another unsafe practice reported was gargling with a bleach solution, soapy water, or cleaner and disinfectant solution.

A quarter of the respondents reported one adverse effect to their health from using cleaners or disinfectant like skin irritation. Sinus or nose irritation and headaches were also some of the adverse reactions reported.

The CDC recommends using proper protective gear when using chemicals to clean or disinfect your home. Gloves and eye protection in case of chemicals splashing. Proper ventilation and never mix any cleaners or chemicals. Always read the instructions.

The median age of Americans in this survey was 46 years old and 502 U.S. adults took the survey. The reason for the survey is a sharp increase in calls to poison control centers across the United States.

For more on this survey click CDC.gov

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