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Settlement Reached After Black Book Club Sues Wine Touring Company for Racial Bias

Written by on April 21, 2016

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A wine tour ended early for a group of black women after they were removed from the train for being too loud. 

The Sistahs on the Reading Edge book club decided to take a Napa Valley wine tour last August.  While on tour “the sistahs” were accused of laughing and talking too loudly, which resulted in them being escorted off the tour train.  The book club, which consists of 10 black women and 1 white woman, later filed a law suit for $11 million against the wine tour company for racial bias.  Now, months after the incident, a settlement has been reached, and The Sistahs on the Reading Edge book club will walk away with a hefty lump sum of cash.


Racqui B.

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